I am trying to setup a PHP code to use a XML API to contact Kunaki to get shipping prices. I try to parse the response via this code but get no output.
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'Accept: application/xml')));
$url = 'http://kunaki.com/HTTPService.ASP?RequestType=ShippingOptions&State_Province=NY&PostalCode=11204&Country=United+States&ProductId=PX0012345&Quantity=1&ProductId=PX04444444&Quantity=1&ResponseType=xml ';
$xml = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
echo $xml->Description[3]->Description;
//print_r($xml); Debug line to make sure xml is outputing
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, any help would be appreciated to figure out how to output this.
This is the output I get in XML
SimpleXMLElement Object (
[ErrorCode] => 0
[ErrorText] => success
[Option] => Array (
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
[Description] => USPS First Class Mail
[DeliveryTime] => 2-5 business days
[Price] => 0.66
[1] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
[Description] => UPS Ground
[DeliveryTime] => 1-5 business days
[Price] => 17.17
[2] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
[Description] => UPS 2nd Day Air
[DeliveryTime] => 2 business days
[Price] => 30.42
[3] => SimpleXMLElement Object (
[Description] => UPS Next Day Air Saver
[DeliveryTime] => 1 business day
[Price] => 50.17
You have to cast simpleXML Object to a string. Try the code below:
foreach ($xml->Option as $opt) {
print "<br>";
echo $value = (string)$opt->DeliveryTime." will cost - ".(string)$opt->Price;
2-5 business days will cost - 0.66
1-5 business days will cost - 17.17
2 business days will cost - 30.42
1 business day will cost - 50.17