Is there a concise way to get a sequence of indices of tuple elements which satisfy a predicate in Hana?
Here's the code I wrote for that using just the standard library:
template <template<typename> typename Pred, typename Tuple>
class get_indices_of {
static constexpr size_t size = std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value;
template <size_t I, size_t... II> struct impl {
using type = std::conditional_t<
typename impl<I+1, II..., I>::type,
typename impl<I+1, II...>::type >;
template <size_t... II> struct impl<size,II...> {
using type = std::index_sequence<II...>;
using type = typename impl<0>::type;
template <template<typename> typename Pred, typename Tuple>
using get_indices_of_t = typename get_indices_of<Pred,Tuple>::type;
Usage example:
using types = std::tuple<std::string,int,double,char>;
using ints = get_indices_of_t<std::is_integral,types>;
The type of ints
is now std::index_sequence<1ul, 3ul>
I'd guess something like this:
constexpr auto get_indices_of = [](auto tuple, auto predicate){
constexpr auto indices = to<tuple_tag>(range_c<std::size_t, 0, size(tuple)>);
return filter(indices, [=](auto i){ return predicate(tuple[i]); });
The only awkward part there is getting the indices, since range_c
itself isn't a MonadPlus. Your actual example, using this function, is:
constexpr auto types = make_tuple(
type_c<std::string>, type_c<int>, type_c<double>, type_c<char>);
constexpr auto ints = get_indices_of(types, trait<std::is_integral>);