I am using vis.4.18.1.
I have an interactive chart and nodes can be added or edited by clicking on the map using addNode()
and editNode()
How can I set the Node label on multiple lines?
I am collecting the label data using a pop-up form.
I know this can be done when importing initial chart data when the map is created by using newline but this does not work interactively and the node label looks like:
'John Smith\nDate of birth'.
I have also tried setting node font to multi and using html br but this also doesn't work.
Have you tried something along the lines of:
node.username = "John Smith";
node.dateOfBirth = "Jun 18th 1978";
node.label = node.username + "\n" + node.dateOfBirth;
You may extend your node object by properties not inherent to visJS nodes/dataSet. Maybe that way you can work around your issue.
Edit: I just tested this example where node.label = node.title on the initial render and gets expanded when the node is selected.
function expandNode(selectedNode){
selectedNode.label = selectedNode.title + '\n' + 'a' + '\n' + 'b' + '\n' + selectedNode.problem;
network.on('select', function(selection){
let selectedNodes = nodesObj.get(selection.nodes); // nodesObj is a visjs dataSet
if(selection.nodes.length === 1){
Collapsed & expanded node