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Split to multiple lines in Spotfire

I have a dataset including the 3 years data from Google Analytics, I have a hard time to split the date into 3 different lines to display on Spotfire like the following pic.

enter image description here


  • Well your X axis is a date, making this a linear visualization. It seems like you are trying to compare years by month. In that case, keep the color by year option that you have currently, but change the X axis from your date column to Month([DateColumn])

    Another option would be to Trellis by year.

    If you want to format the X as you have above, insert a calculated column and use this new column on the X axis:

    Date(Year([DateColumn]),Month([DateColumn]),01) as [NewColumn]

    This builds a date column based off the YEAR and MONTHfrom your [DateColumn] and forces the DAY part to 01.