I have a scatter plot that charts unique events per date on my X axis and when they happened on each day, by the second, on the Y axis.
To accomplish this I took the date data that I use for the X axis, and ran it through a function that would output the exact second of the day in which the event happened (0 to 86400). In that sense, my Y axis goes from 0 seconds to 86400 seconds.
This allowed me to represent each even uniquely as a dot on my chart down to the second.
I'm pretty happy with the outcome of my chart:
The only issue is my Y label goes from 0 to 86400. I would like to change the text to a familiar HH AM/PM format, perhaps something along the lines of "0 to 23, where ie: if (y value = 3600) return "1 AM".
My scatterplot looks like this:
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([minDate, maxDate]))
// .title(function (d) {
// return "Event: " + d['text'];
// })
.yAxisLabel("Hour of the day")
I tried to do this:
scatterPlot.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
if (domain = 43200)
return "12 PM";
But that only changes all labels to "12 PM". I'm not sure how to refer to the actual value of my Y domain.
I tried using the group "if (eventsByDateAndHourGroup = 43200)..." but that didn't work either.
The parameter to the function passed to the tickFormat()
method is the Y coordinate which needs to be formatted.
So you should be able to do something like
scatterPlot.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
var hour = Math.floor(d/3600),
pm = hour > 11;
if(pm) hour -= 12;
if(hour === 0) hour = 12;
return String(hour) + (pm ? ' PM' : ' AM');
Or you can use d3.time.format.utc
for a more robust, elegant solution:
var hourFormat = d3.time.format.utc('%I %p');
scatterPlot.yAxis().tickFormat(function (d) {
var date = new Date(d*1000);
return hourFormat(date);
This is somewhat less efficient, because Date
objects are slow, but it probably doesn't matter for processing a dozen ticks.