My response looks like this:
"Part" : {
"id" : "418502",
"uuid" : "21ec7cdb-cd2d-4b12-8a90-775762eb0f26"
"Category" : {
"category_name" : "Regulators",
"category_code" : "RG"
"Part" : {
"id" : "418502",
"uuid" : "21ec7cdb-cd2d-4b12-8a90-775762eb0f26"
"Category" : {
"category_name" : "Regulators",
"category_code" : "RG"
So I need to parse the above response to get Part
array and Category
array. After searching in google I found:
let resultJson = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String : AnyObject]
But it throws fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value.
I'm new to swift I don't know how to convert it. I have completed this in Android so I can surely say I get above response from server. I write a common function for calling web service, it works for other services so I think there is no problem in that.
How can I parse my response so I can get Part
array and Category
Thank you.
Your JSON structure has a top level array, so you cannot parse is as a dictionary. Try to do this
let resultJson = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [Any]
Sample code will be something like this. Don't forget to handle unwrap stuff
let str = "[{\"Part\":{\"id\":\"418502\",\"uuid\":\"21ec7cdb-cd2d-4b12-8a90-775762eb0f26\"},\"Category\":{\"category_name\":\"Regulators\",\"category_code\":\"RG\"}},{\"Part\":{\"id\":\"418502\",\"uuid\":\"21ec7cdb-cd2d-4b12-8a90-775762eb0f26\"},\"Category\":{\"category_name\":\"Regulators\",\"category_code\":\"RG\"}}]"
let data = .utf8)
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .mutableContainers) as? [Any]
let dicInFirstElement = json?[0] as? [String: Any]
let part = dicInFirstElement?["Part"]
//Pass this json into the following function
}catch let error{