Here is an example of the data I am using.
0 | A | B
1 | Information | Time
2 | ----------- | ---------
3 | x y abc | 3
4 | x z abc | 4
5 | y z abc | 5
I would expect this to return the value 7.
I understand SUMIF(B:B,A:A,"x") and using SUMIF for multiple criteria but I am struggling to figure out how to integrate the ability for an and/or SUMIF.
50e flute dolley tripped twice | 0.29
dolly tripped paser flute | 0.21
No 5 tripeed. Waiting for sparky. | 0.18
No 2 tripped - waiting for sparky. | 0.14
No 2 dolly tripped - waiting for sparky | 0.09
Dolly tripped, waiting for sparky | 0.08
No 2 dolly - waiting for sparky | 0.08
50e flute dolly | 0.07
dolly tripped 50e flute | 0.06
no 2 dolley tripped | 0.06
50e flute dolley (side 1) tripped | 0.06
No 2 - waiting for sparky | 0.06
I want 5 different functions for the 5 different reel dollies. So for number 5, I want to ensure I am only counting the no 5 dolly and not the 50e flute dolly. This is a dataset entered external so I want to be able to cover criteria that includes wrongly spelled words and multiple names for a particular reel dolly.
You might be looking for this:
=SUM(SUMIFS(B:B,A:A, "*x*",A:A, {"*y*","*z*"}))
Which means to sum column B *where A contains "x" and either of "y" and "z".
The logic in this construction is:
mandatory criteria come alone
"ORed" criteria come inside the {...}
Example, dolley no 2:
=SUM(SUMIFS(B:B,A:A, "* 2 *",A:A, {"*dolly*","*dolley*", "no *"}))