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How to create a simple draggable marker in OpenLayers

Very simple question, how can I create a draggable marker in an OpenLayers map, and get the latlon when its been dragged. From google, it seems that you can have draggable vectors, but not draggable markers.

I've seen some references to OpenLayers.Control.DragMarker, but this doesn't seem to be in the "core" library. It's used in this example but that seems to be using a custom OpenLayers JS file, so I have no idea how to go about including that in my code.

Code thus far (to add a simple marker):

var layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS( "TMS The Layer","",
    {  url: '', serviceVersion: '.', layername: '.', alpha: true,
        type: 'png', getURL: overlay_getTileURL 


    var markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers( "Markers" );
    var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat( -100 ,100 );
    markers.addMarker(new OpenLayers.Marker(lonLat));


  • I've done that, but I can't find that code now. Take a look at this OpenLayers Example:

    Drag Feature