i have a loop, which shows me all my address book contacts. now i would like to show an NSProgressIndicator, which should show the progress from 0 (=start request contacts) until 100 (=all contacts requested). for this I tried something like this:
let addressBook = ABAddressBook.shared()
let people = addressBook?.people()
for person in people! as! [ABPerson] {
ProgressIndicator.increment(by: 0.22)
why increment by 0.22?
i have 451 contacts 100/451 = 0,22% per contact
but what happens? i start my app. the print result will show each contact and when all contacts were requested > the progress indicator jumps to 100% directly.
what do I wrong?
Second try:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
let addressBook = ABAddressBook.shared()
let people = addressBook?.people()
let stepPercent = 100 / (people?.count)!
for person in people! as! [ABPerson] {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.ProgressIndicator.increment(by: Double(stepPercent))
My Solution:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
let addressBook = ABAddressBook.shared()
let people = addressBook?.people()
let stepPercent = 100.00 / (Double((people?.count)!))
for person in people! as! [ABPerson] {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.ProgressIndicator.increment(by: Double(stepPercent))
thanks for support