All my Geb/Spock tests were running perfectly on Firefox and then I tried with Chrome (v59) and it keep hanging when an alert or confirm pop up is raised.
With Firefox I was using withAlert{}
or withConfirm{}
to handle those but it doesn't work with Chrome.
So I did some digging into views and I found out that dialog were managed by this widget. So I created accessors to <dialog>
in my page object but Chrome is still unable to interact with it (no way to detect that the pop up is displayed nor closing it).
I tried several things such as using displayed
or waiting for the text to be shown but nothing worked.
I am not used to jQuery so maybe I am missing something here?
Here is a sample of the code I must interact with:
<dialog class="qq-alert-dialog-selector">
<div class="qq-dialog-message-selector"></div>
<div class="qq-dialog-buttons">
<button type="button" class="qq-cancel-button-selector">Close</button>
And this is how I try to access to it (in my page object):
alertPopUp {$("dialog", class:"qq-alert-dialog-selector")}
alertCloseButton {alertPopUp.children("div.qq-dialog-buttons").children("button")}
And finally how I would like to test the pop up:
when: "Trying to upload ..."
uploadFileButton = incorrect.absolutePath
then: "An alerting pop up occurs"
when: "Closing the pop up"
then: "Number of uploaded files should not change"
uploadedElements.size() == initialUploadedFiles
Can anyone help? I guess it may have something to do with chrome's focus (I mean if it is currently on the pop up or on the page behind.
After all, it seems that the problem is not linked with jQuery (good thing I guess). We can verify the dialog box is open thanks to open attribute in <dialog>
. I have done something like this:
when: "Trying to upload ..."
uploadFileButton = incorrect.absolutePath
then: "A alerting pop up occurs"
waitFor {alertPopUp.getAttribute("open") == "true"}
But I still cannot interact with the dialog box: when I try to click on alertCloseButton
it raise an ElementNotVisibleException
. So it has something to do with browser focus, I guess.
I tried:
or driver.switchTo().window()
but the only window available is the main one.withFrame()
but I get a NoSuchFrameException
but it raise a NoAlertRaisedException
So I wonder if someone know how Chrome considers <dialog>
tag (alert, confirm, ...) ?
Note: According to, Chrome is the only browser compatible with
for now.
Finally I managed to find a way to handle this issue. I took a look into google demo for <dialog>
use and I used the js object provided by Geb to execute the js example from Google. This finally gives this:
when: "Trying to upload ..."
uploadFileButton = incorrect.absolutePath
then: "A alerting pop up occurs"
waitFor {alertPopUp.getAttribute("open") == "true"}
when: "Closing the pop up"
report "After upload"
js.exec """var dialog = document.querySelector(".qq-alert-dialog-selector");
return true;
then: "Number of uploaded files should not change"
uploadedElements.size() == initialUploadedFiles
This is really brute force and I don't like it as it relies a lot on back end, how dialogs are set up etc... But it works. I really hope Geb/Selenium will provide something easier to use (as <dialog>
is W3C it will become usual on all browsers).