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How to fill the entire cell with a color in CKEditor

I created a plugin that allows me to put a background color in a table cell in 1 click. The problem is that I do not know how to make the whole cell colored.

Here is the code of my plugin.

CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'TrameF', { //meme nom que le dossier associé
    init: function( editor ) {

        editor.addCommand( 'TrameF', {
            exec: function( editor ) {
                editor.insertHtml( '<p style=" background-color : #BCE0EA;">'+
                    ' </p> ');

and this is my result :

Can someone help me ? Thanks, have a good day.


  • You need to get the <td> element and set its style. To do that, you need to traverse backwards the DOM from the point you clicked:

    var el = editor.getSelection().getStartElement();
    while (el) {
        if (el.getName() == 'td' || el.getName() == 'th') {
            el.setStyle('background-color', '#BCE0EA');
        el = el.getParent();