Is it possible to use two context entities from two different database
Code connectiong to one entity:
Using one FoodSupplyEntities
using (var contextFood = new FoodSupplyEntities())
var _result = (from _FoodSupplyStatus in contextFood.FoodSupplyStatus
join _FoodQualityStatus in contextFood.FoodQualityStatus
But is it possible to join for example another table from a different entities from another server.?
Sample (Dont know but it might gosomething like this.)
using (var contextFood = new FoodSupplyEntities() and contextKitchenware = new KitchenwareEntities() )
var _result = (from _FoodSupplyStatus in contextFood.FoodSupplyStatus
join _KitchenwareSupplyStatus in contextKitchenware.KitchenwareSupplyStatus
Suppose you have 2 tables in 2 different databases:
I have Created 2 different context. now i will create 2 queries for 2 different context and will make join on these queries on UserId and OrderedBy like:
List<OrderDetails> GetOrderDetails()
var users = this.TestDb1ModelUnit.GetRepository<User_Login>().GetAll();
var orders = this.TestDb2ModelUnit.GetRepository<OrderDetail>().GetAll();
var orderDetails = users.Join(orders,
usr => usr.User_Id,
ord => ord.OrderedBy,
(usr, ord) => new { usr, ord }