I have this Class which response to perform to be run by "Resque", I have an error at this line recipient.response = response.body
which is:
undefined method response=' for #Hash:0x00000003969da0
I think that because the worker and ActiveRecord can't work together.
P.S I already loaded my environment and this class placed in lib directory
Ruby 1.9.2
Rails 3
Resque 1.10.0
class Msg
def self.perform(message,sender,host, path, recipient)
message_logger ||= Logger.new("#{Rails.root}/log/message.log")
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(host, path)
recipient.response = response.body
recipient.sent_at = Time.zone.now
# Logging
log = "Message #{
message.sent_at}\n\tRespone:\n\t\tBody: #{response.body}\n\t\tCode: #{response.code}\n"
rescue Exception => e
message_logger.error(e.message + '/n' + e.backtrace.inspect)
Resque uses json serialization. JSON serialization would not allow you to deserialize an object with the method intact.
If you have an instance of Recipient (named "recipient") and want to use it in the method to perform/persist a response then you should enqueue the id of the recipient and fetch it from your persistence layer when perform is called.
https://github.com/defunkt/resque (checkout the section on Persistence)
Resque is different from DelayedJob/Background Job and other in this way. (which is why I like it. the same queue can be shared by multiple ruby implementations, jruby, mri, ...)