I need to launch google maps with multiple waypoint showing on map on IOS using url in my Xamarin forms application. I'm able to launch it with 2 points (Source and Destination) using this url:
comgooglemaps-x-callback://?zoom=14&saddr= " + App.UserCurrentLatitude + "," + App.UserCurrentLongitude + "&daddr=" + item.xpos + "," + item.ypos + "&directionsmode=driving
how can I show multiple points on map?
I tried adding this but didn't help.
After a lot of googling, I made it work like this:
comgooglemaps - x - callback://?zoom=14&saddr= " + App.UserCurrentLatitude + "," + App.UserCurrentLongitude + "&daddr=" + item.xpos + ",+" + item.ypos + "+to:24.123456,+24.234567&directionsmode=driving
In case if anyone else is looking for the same.