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How to invoke c# function from another project without adding reference?

There is a library project whose DLL name is customer.dll. It has a class name customer with a function name show(). I want to call this function from another project but don't want to add the reference to the caller project. Can this be done? Is there any class that can achieve this?


  • Yes, you can load assemblies dynamically using Assembly.LoadFile


    You are then going to need to use Reflection to get the methodinfo for the function you want to invoke or use the Dynamic keyword to invoke it.

    var externalDll = Assembly.LoadFile("c:\\somefolder\\Customer.dll");
    var externalTypeByName = externalDll.GetType("CustomerClassNamespace.Customer");
    // If you don't know the full type name, use linq
    var externalType = externalDll.ExportedTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Customer");
    //if the method is not static create an instance.
    //using dynamic 
    dynamic dynamicInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(externalType);
    var dynamicResult =;
    // or using reflection
    var reflectionInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(externalType);
    var methodInfo = theType.GetMethod("show");
    var result = methodInfo.Invoke(reflectionInstance, null);
    // Again you could also use LINQ to get the method
    var methodLINQ = externalType.GetMethods().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "show");
    var resultLINQ = methodLINQ.Invoke(reflectionInstance, null);