In a Delphi program, I have a dynamic array with 4,000,000,001 cardinals. I'm trying to write (and later read) it do a drive. I used the following:
const Billion = 1000000000;
stream := tFileStream.Create( 'f:\data\', fmCreate);
stream.WriteBuffer( Pointer( BigArray)^, (4 * billion + 1) * SizeOf( cardinal));;
It bombed out with: ...raised exception class EWriteError with message 'Stream write error'.
The size of the file it wrote is only 3,042,089KB.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a limit to the size that can be written at once (about 3GB)?
The Count
parameter of WriteBuffer
is a 32 bit integer so you cannot pass the required value in that parameter. You will need to write the file with multiple separate calls to WriteBuffer
, where each call passes a count that does not exceed this limit.
I suggest that you write it something like this.
Count, Index, N: Int64;
Count := Length(BigArray);
Index := 0;
while Count > 0 do begin
N := Min(Count, 8192);
stream.WriteBuffer(BigArray[Index], N*SizeOf(BigArray[0]));
inc(Index, N);
dec(Count, N);
An additional benefit is that you can readily display progress.