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Fill out video file attributes

I have a large collection of video files, which have missing atributes like length, resolution, bitrate etc. I would like to fill those out somehow but im not sure what solution to use. It would take ages by hand but i'd rather see if a program can do it first. I tried searching for a solution but didnt find anything substantial.

The reason why, is becuase im trying to filter out the videos by atributes. If a vid is shorter than 30 minutes, i delete it. Can sort with the windows explorer, which cant do that if the atributes are missing.


  • Since you asked this on StackOverflow and not on SuperUser I'm going to answer this as a programming question.

    Those properties are provided by the Windows Property System. It is possible to write your own property provider and overwrite the system default provider registration but this is a fair amount of work if all you want to do is sort some files.