i have file, where i have separated values via "," - but it's not .csv extension.
I'm trying to get in C# sum from each row, which start from 0.
To this sum, should be taken always value after 12th of ","
So in this style:
So sum is 5 + 9 + 1 = 15.
I already input read lines with patch + data taken from label and + extension.
But what next ? How should i handle this ?
int count = File.ReadLines(patch + label97.Text + ".ext").Count(line => !line.All(char.IsWhiteSpace));
For starters, you should be doing this:
File.ReadLines(patch + label97.Text + ".ext")
.Where(line => !line.StartsWith("1") // get lines that do not start with 1
Then, using the loop statement of your choice:
var desiredPart = line.Split(new[] { ',' })[11]; // get whatever is at the twelveth position
int value = int.Parse(desiredPart);
Of course, you need to check that the Split actually gives you 12 positions and whether it's a number or not.