I’m doing a POC to deploy Kafka as an application on Mesos Cluster. I came across these 2 codebases on github. One developed by apache-mesos (github page) & other developed by mesosphere and can run only on DCOS (github page).
Question: Would like to know if there are any differences between DCOS-Kafka & mesos-Kafka in terms of features and extended functionality.
Regarding Mesos-Kafka: I don’t see active participation on github (and some open issues) for mesos-kafka in the past months. Can I assume that the service is robust enough that I can use in production environment? Any Inputs on this would be helpful.
kakfa-mesos is a package that includes a release of Kafka and a custom mesos scheduler that was meant to work around issues with running Kafka as a stateful service on Marathon. I think post but confluent is useful. It also includes a RESTful api for doing ops tasks and aims to include these features in the future (this is pulled from the article I linked)
I haven't used it in a production environment myself but it has the support of Confluent which is a good sign.
DC/OS Kafka on the other hand is a DC/OS service which will probably only be useful if you are already running or plan on running services through Mesosphere's DC/OS. It also includes an API and a CLI management tool but is less ambitious with additional features. It's current feature set includes