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Groovy multiple resource closure

I'm using the resource closure feature of Groovy, and was wondering if it was possible to create one closure that manages two resources. For example, if I have the following two separate closures, is it possible to create one closure that manages both? Or do I really have to nest the closures?

new File(baseDir, 'haiku.txt').withWriter('utf-8') { writer ->
    writer.writeLine 'Into the ancient pond'

new Scanner( { consoleInput ->
    println consoleInput.nextLine()


  • No. The syntax method(arg) {} is an alternative syntax to method(arg, {}), thus, you can do this:

    fn = { writer ->
        writer.writeLine 'Into the ancient pond'
    new File(baseDir, 'haiku.txt').withWriter('utf-8', fn) 
    new Scanner(

    Note that the closure must contain expected code for both method invocations.