SELECT t1.roleName FROM AuthRole t1;
If on ASE 15 both queries work - with "rolename" and "roleName" - that means the the sort order in this database is case insensitive.
If on ASE 16 "rolename" is different than "roleName" - that means the the sort order in this database is case sensitive.
You can check this by querying:
if "a" = "A" print "Case insensitive" else print "Case sensitive"
This setting is set and static for the whole server (and for all the databases that the server contains), but can be changed. Of course changing the sort order is a time consuming process, as it requires to rebuild all indexes based on character types.
You can check the server sortorder setting:
exec sp_configure 'sortorder id'
The information about sort order should be visible in the ASE errorlog when the database server starts:
00:0002:00000:00002:2017/07/04 16:49:26.35 server ASE's default unicode sort order is 'binary'.
00:0002:00000:00002:2017/07/04 16:49:26.35 server ASE's default sort order is:
00:0002:00000:00002:2017/07/04 16:49:26.35 server 'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:0002:00000:00002:2017/07/04 16:49:26.35 server on top of default character set:
00:0002:00000:00002:2017/07/04 16:49:26.35 server 'iso_1' (ID = 1).
In my example the sort order is binary - which is case sensitive.
Information how to change the sort order for the server is in the ASE manual. Basicaly to change the sort order you need to: