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Qtip Ajax Request not working on first hover

I want to show ajax loaded content when mouse hovers over element, I'm using qTip to achieve this, however it works only when I hover for the second time.

$(document).on('mouseenter', 'span', function(){
        context : this,
        url     : '/', 
        success : function(html) {
                content: " it works.",
                position: {
                    my: 'top left',
                    target: 'mouse',
                    //viewport: $(window), // Keep it on-screen at all times if possible
                    adjust: {
                        x: 10,  y: 10
        error   : function(err){

}); Here is my fiddle.


  • First - The easiest soultion here will be to use the qtip Ajax plugin - So you won't need to deal with it.

    However, just to explain what went wrong with your code - The problem is that you are initializing qtip only on the first mouse hover on the element.

    So, you need to split your code into 2:

    qtip Init: (Note that content must hold at least one character)

      content: " ",
      position: {
        my: 'top left',
        target: 'mouse',
        //viewport: $(window), // Keep it on-screen at all times if possible
        adjust: {
          x: 10,  y: 10

    The actual mouseenter event, which changes the qtip 'content' using qtip API (

    $(document).on('mouseenter', 'span', function(){
            context : this,
            url     : '/', 
            success : function(html) {        
                $(this).qtip('option', 'content.text', 'response');
            error   : function(err){