I have the mobile app that uses user's location when the app is running to show some places on a map (now it is Google Map).
I want to add a new feature - App in the background should notify the user when the device is near some map point or entering the predefined area.
p.s. I know about Ray's geofencing tutorial but I want to know - are there any different approaches and also about pitfalls of such feature
First of all you must enable location updates and remote notifications in background modes(Your Target->Capabilities), then you must write in your location update function some code to detect that user is close to some location exapmle:
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
if let userLocation = locations.first {
if location.coordinate.langtitude <= <some value> ||
location.coordinate.langtitude >= <some value> || ... {
func runAction() {
//show local notification here