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CXF JAXB basics Equals/Hashcode

I have a problem generating equals and hashcode methods for my imported xsd files which are output to a separate location to my wsdl files. I currently have a .wsdl and .xsd file in the same folder. The .wsdl file imports these xsd files which have a different namespace to the wsdl file. When these xsd files are generated they do not contain equals or hashcode methods. Below is a sample of my pom/xml config and files:


Sample wsdl (imported Rule.xsd is not generating methods):

<wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:tns="" xmlns:wsdl=""
xmlns:xsd="" name="Rule"
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://">
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
        xmlns:pref="" xmlns:pref1="">
        <xsd:import schemaLocation="Rule.xsd"
        <xsd:import schemaLocation="Common.xsd" namespace=""></xsd:import>
        <xsd:element name="ListGrid">
                    <xsd:element name="request"
                        type="pref:test" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">

I assume this is a problem with the location of the generated xsd as I can get it to work by moving this to the same parent folder as the wsdl namespace. I would like to get this to work without moving these files locations as I have a large codebase that would require a large refactor if I do this.

Any suggestions would be welcome.


  • I found a solution to this problem by adding the following to the pom.xml configuration:


    Even though this does not change the namespace/package location it seems to now generate the imported files equals and hashcode methods.