I wrote a function which creates a vector of values via a substring operation on a column of an existing data frame:
fetchParent <- function(column){
substr(column,1,regexpr(":", column)-1)
An example run of this function is:
fetchParent(task2017.06.28$"Work Product")
This returns a vector:
[1] "DE10946" "DE5909" "US30637" "US31460" "DE16399" "DE18046" "DE18841" "DE18904" "DE19138"
[10] "US48201" "US48314" "US48315" "US48316" "US48317 ...
I wrote a second function to bind this vector to the original data frame:
addParent <- function(df){
df <- cbind(df,fetchParent(df$"Work Product"))
However, when I run this function:
the result returns the original without the new column.
What am I missing here?
You have to return the new data.frame:
addParent <- function(df){
return(cbind(df,fetchParent(df$"Work Product")))
In your fetchParent() function this is not neccessary, because you don't assign the output of substr to anything.
So this would work as well:
addParent <- function(df){
cbind(df,fetchParent(df$"Work Product"))
and also
addParent <- function(df){
df <- cbind(df,fetchParent(df$"Work Product"))