appears to be failing to pipe 'workbook' class objects into the addWorkbook
function from the package openxlsx
(Never mind why I need to use excel...eugh yuk)
For example, to write the InsectSprays
dataset to an excel file in 'base' syntax:
insect.wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb = insect.wb,
sheetName = "Insect Spray")
writeData(wb = insect.wb,
sheet = "Insect Spray",
x= InsectSprays)
Opens a temp excel file with the data.
So magrittr
But e.g.
insect.wb <- createWorkbook()
insect.wb %>%
addWorksheet(sheetName = "Insect Spray") %>%
writeData(sheet = "Insect Spray",
x= InsectSprays)
Error in writeData(., sheet = "Insect Spray", x = InsectSprays) : First argument must be a Workbook.
But insect.wb
is a workbook object:
> insect.wb <- createWorkbook()
> class(insect.wb)
[1] "Workbook"
[1] "openxlsx"
Which suggests that the issue is that the object isn't getting piped in...
Am I just buggering up the syntax, or is there a more interesting explanation for why this is failing?
For interest, there is no issue with forward pipe and writeData
–- if we shift the use of forward-pipes until after addWorksheet
, it also works fine:
insect.wb <- createWorkbook()
addWorksheet(wb = insect.wb,
sheetName = "Insect Spray")
insect.wb %>%
writeData(sheet = "Insect Spray",
x= InsectSprays)
In your command chain, writeData takes as a first input the output of insect.wb %>% addWorksheet(sheetName = "Insect Spray")
addWorksheet modifies directly the object, and doesn't return the object, so whatever you're passing to writeData is NOT a worksheet (from your comment, it's probably the number of sheets after the add).
You may use the operator %T>%
and write
insect.wb %T>%
addWorksheet(sheetName = "Insect Spray") %>%
writeData(sheet = "Insect Spray", x= InsectSprays)
starts a new chain in the sense that the ouput of the rhs is not returned, but the lhs is returned, so then writeData takes it where %T>%
left, except that insect.wb
has now been modified by addWorksheet