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rbind.fill error in train() function in R caret package

A similar question was closed and the solution accepted was to check if the package caret was installed correctly. As instructed in the solutions I checked if caret package was installed and loaded correctly. I have reloaded the package and it is available in the current session. The following lines using train(...) is producing the error:

model <- train(
price ~ ., diamonds,
method = "lm",
trControl = trainControl(
    method = "cv", number = 10
    , verboseIter = TRUE

Here I am trying to train and cross validate the famous diamonds dataset on a linear model. However, the following error is observed:

Error: All inputs to rbind.fill must be data.frames

It doesn't provide any further information about the error. My warnings are on. Is there any way I can debug this?


  • I copy pasted your code in my console and it worked just fine. Try updating your caret package.