I have something like this (GET "/photo/:id/tags/:tag-id/...")
and thus for every route inside that context I have to typecast these ids to Integer explicitly. Is there any way to achieve this automatically or have a common place to typecast ids instead of each controller's action?
As of Compojure 1.4.0, you can also supply coercion functions for parameters using the :<< keyword:
[x :<< as-int]
In the above case, the parameter x will be passed through the as-int function before being assigned. If any coercion function returns nil, then the coercion is considered to have failed, and the route will not match.
(defroutes app
(GET "/customers" [] customers)
(GET "/suppliers" [] suppliers)
(GET "/accounts" [] accounts)
(context "/statements" []
(GET "/" [] statements)
(GET "/:id" [id :<< as-int] (single-statement id))))