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How to avoid lists when analyzing order for palindromes?

Just want to apologize in advance for the general coding and logic gore you might encounter while reading this. I recently discovered Project Euler and thought it was fun. I've made it a point to not only find the answer, but make a generic function that could find the answer for any similar case given the appropriate input. For instance, problem number 4, involving palindromes, which can be seen here:

Essentially what I did was found a way to multiply every possible combination of numbers given a number of digits, n, then found products that were palindromes. However, anything above 3 digits just takes way too long to process. I believe this is because I used the list() function to take advantage of indexing to determine whether the product was a palindrome. Is there another way to do something of this nature? I feel like this is shoving a square through a circular hole.

Here's the function in question.

def palindrome(n):
    number = 0
    for i in range(0,n):
        number = number + 9 * pow(10, i)
    a = pow(10, n - 1) - 1
    b = pow(10, n - 1)
    while a * b < number * number:
        a = a + 1
        b = a
        while b <= number:
            c = a * b
            b = b + 1
            digits = list(str(int(c)))
            lastdigits = digits[::-1]
            numdigits = len(digits)
            middle = int((numdigits - (numdigits % 2)) / 2) - 1
            if numdigits > 1 and digits[:middle + 1] == lastdigits[:middle + 1] and digits[0] == digits[-1] == '9' and numdigits == 2 * n:


  • "Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers."

    3-digit numbers would be anything from 100 - 999. One thing about the largest product is guaranteed: The two operands must be as large as possible.

    Thus, it would make sense to step through a loop starting from the largest number (999) to the smallest (100). We can append palindromes to a list and then later return the largest one.

    When you calculate a product, convert it to a string using str(...). Now, checking for palindromes is easy thanks to python's string splicing. A string is a palindrome if string == string[::-1], where string[::-1] does nothing but return a reversed copy of the original.

    Implementing these strategies, we have:

    def getBiggestPalindrome():
        max_palindrome = -1
        for i in range(999, 99, -1):
            for j in range(999, i - 1, -1):
                prod = i * j
                str_prod = str(prod)
                if str_prod == str_prod[::-1] and prod > max_palindrome: 
                    max_palindrome = prod
        return max_palindrome


    And, this returns

    >>> getBiggestPalindrome()

    Note that you can use the range function to generate values from start, to end, with step. The iteration stops just before end, meaning the last value would be 100.