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How to prove that the boolean inequality of a type with itself is uninhabited in Idris?

I was wondering how to prove that (So (not (y == y))) is an instance of Uninhabited, and I'm not sure how to go about it. Is it provable in Idris, or is not provable due to the possibility of a weird Eq implementation for y?


  • The Eq interface does not require an implementation to follow the normal laws of equality. But, we can define an extended LawfulEq interface which does:

    %default total
    is_reflexive : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
    is_reflexive {t} rel = (x : t) -> rel x x = True
    is_symmetric : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
    is_symmetric {t} rel = (x : t) -> (y : t) -> rel x y = rel y x
    is_transitive : (t -> t -> Bool) -> Type
    is_transitive {t} rel = (x : t) -> (y : t) -> (z : t) -> rel x y = True -> rel x z = rel y z
    interface Eq t => LawfulEq t where
      eq_is_reflexive : is_reflexive {t} (==)
      eq_is_symmetric : is_symmetric {t} (==)
      eq_is_transitive : is_transitive {t} (==)

    The result asked for in the question can be proved for type Bool:

    so_false_is_void : So False -> Void
    so_false_is_void Oh impossible
    so_not_y_eq_y_is_void : (y : Bool) -> So (not (y == y)) -> Void
    so_not_y_eq_y_is_void False = so_false_is_void
    so_not_y_eq_y_is_void True = so_false_is_void

    The result can be proved not true for the following Weird type:

    data Weird = W
    Eq Weird where
      W == W = False
    weird_so_not_y_eq_y : (y : Weird) -> So (not (y == y))
    weird_so_not_y_eq_y W = Oh

    The Weird (==) can be shown to be not reflexive, so an implementation of LawfulEq Weird is not possible:

    weird_eq_not_reflexive : is_reflexive {t=Weird} (==) -> Void
    weird_eq_not_reflexive is_reflexive_eq = 
      let w_eq_w_is_true = is_reflexive_eq W in
        trueNotFalse $ trans (sym w_eq_w_is_true) (the (W == W = False) Refl)