Given the following code:
public class Bob {
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public decimal Height { get; set; }
Feature: Bob checker
Scenario: Check Bob
Given I have the following Bob
| Name | Age | Hieght |
| Robert | 63 | 1.87 |
When . . . .
Then . . . .
[Given(@"I have the following Bob")]
public void IHaveTheFollowingBob(Table table) {
var bob = table.CreateInstance<Bob>();
You'l notice the word 'Height' is not spelt correctly in the table. The CreateInstance
method will still work but the 'Height' on the Bob object will be 0 or for reference type, null.
Is there a way to make SpecFlow fail if the column doesn't bind to the Type provided. Thanks
There is no such thing as throwing error if there is a column that does not match any of the class properties.
However there is a work-arround. You may implement a method to check if there is an "invalid" column to prevent typos:
[Given("I have the following Bob")]
public void TestMethod1(Table table)
var bob = table.CreateInstance<Bob>();
public void AssertAllTableColumnsMatch<T>(Table table)
foreach (var header in table.Header)
bool columnHeaderMatches = HasProperty(typeof(T), header);
string.Format("The column header [{0}] does not match any property of the type [{1}]",
header, typeof(T).Name));
private bool HasProperty(Type obj, string propertyName)
return obj.GetProperty(propertyName) != null;
The following error will be thrown:
-> error: Assert.IsTrue failed. The column header [Hieght] does not match any property of the type [Bob]
The method simply iterates all the columns and checks if the provided type has such property.