I'm attempting some symbolic computations in Octave using the symbolic package but I seem to be running aground with issues when it comes to simplification (why I want to use it). For example it works for simple expressions but for more complex matrix operations, it seems to be fail. What is going wrong here:
pkg load symbolic
syms a b d t
A = cos(t/2)*exp(i*(a - b/2 - d/2))
B = -sin(t/2)*exp(i*(a-b/2+d/2))
C = sin(t/2)*exp(i*(a + b/2 - d/2))
D = cos(t/2)*exp(i*(a+b/2+d/2))
U = [A, B; C, D]
I have tried using just simplify without expand. However I should be getting the itentity matrix but instead get an expression - correct but not simplified. Is there a way I can make this work?
At least in Matlab, symbolic variables are assumed to be complex by default. It looks like you may require that a
, b
, d
, and t
be real. If so, you need to define them as such so your expressions can be simplified as you expect:
syms a b d t real
Then the result (at least in Matlab R2017a) from simplify
will be a symbolic identity matrix.
See the documentation for syms
and/or sym
for more. You may also wish to read more about assumptions for symbolic variables: sym/assumptions
and sym/assume