After segmenting out subset of a pointcloud that fitted using pcl::SACMODEL_LINE
RANSAC line segmentation module.
In the next step center point of extracted point cloud is computed using
pcl::compute3DCentroid(point_cloud, centroid);
Which gives accurate center point until the camera and the extracted line model object are parallel to each other.
In the last step the corner points of the extracted point cloud i.e a fitted line are calculated by the addition of known distance on the centerpoint to calculate the corner points.
This technique will be valid until the camera and the extracted line model object are parallel to each other as soon as camera makes an angle with it, the corner point calculation technique fails.
Any suggestions what should I do to calculate the corner points using an existing reliable method in PCL library to compute the corner points of the extracted point cloud data (pcl::SACMODEL_LINE)
Thanks in advance.
If you have your subset cloud accurately extracted using RANSAC, you should be able to use getMinMax3d() to find two corner points.
While these are not actual points of the subset cloud, they can be used to determine the boundary and the points that lie on it.