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Uploading large files via Zuul

I've faced a problem uploading big files through zuul. I'm using apache-commons file upload( to stream large files as well as I use zuul on the front. In my Spring Boot application I have disabled upload provided by Spring to use the one from apache commons:

              enabled: false

Controller looks like that:

public ResponseEntity insertFile(@PathVariable Long profileId, 
    HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
    FileItemIterator uploadItemIterator = upload.getItemIterator(request);
    if (!uploadItemIterator.hasNext()) {
        throw new FileUploadException("FileItemIterator was empty"); 
    while (uploadItemIterator.hasNext()) {
        FileItemStream fileItemStream =;
        if (fileItemStream.isFormField()) {
       //do stuff 
    return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK);

If I access my application directly(without zuul), file upload works as intended. However, if it's accessed through zuul, FileItemIterator doesn't have items to traverse and request finishes with error immediately(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET). For zuul I have also disabled multipart given by Spring. Otherwise, it works. However, the files are not streamed. They are loaded completely and only after I get inside the controller(regular Spring behavior). Is there a way to use apache-commons streaming options with zuul?


  • I've found a solution. It's basically described here:

    What I did to make it work. Just step by step:

    1. To bypass the Spring DispatcherServlet I changed the URL:

    From: http://localhost:8081/MyService/file

    To: http://localhost:8081/zuul/MyService/file

    1. Preserved disabling of Spring multipart upload:

                  enabled: false

    The following header is not required. Transfer-Encoding: chunked

    I tried to upload a large file without that one and it was fine.