How can i access a Textblock inside a Stackpanel that is inside a ListBoxItem?
For example:
ListBoxItem MyItem = new ListBoxItem();
StackPanel StackPnl = new StackPanel();
TextBlock Title = new TextBlock();
Title.Text = "Item 1";
MyItem.Content = StackPnl;
How can i later access the Text property of that Textblock with Listbox.SelectedItem?
Try this:
//listBox1 is your ListBox
ListBoxItem MyItem = listBox1.SelectedItem as ListBoxItem;
if(MyItem != null)
StackPanel sp = MyItem.Content as StackPanel;
if(sp != null && sp.Children.Count > 0)
TextBlock textBlock = sp.Children[0] as TextBlock;
if(textBlock != null)
string text = textBlock.Text;