I'm trying to import a csv file to document Model in Orientdb using ETL I don't know if this is correct as a newbie , and not a lot of documentation on the document model but What I tried is :
"config": {
"log": "debug"
"begin": [],
"source": {
"file": {
"path": "C:/Users/M/Desktop/files/lact.csv"
{ "csv":
{ "separator": ",",
"nullValue": "NULL"
"transformers": [
"log": {}
"loader": {
"orientdb": {
"dbURL": "plocal:../databases/Model_doc",
"dbType": "document",
"classes": [
"name": "Annotations"
"end": []
I'm getting this saying after displaying a parse of the content of the file: [orientdb] DEBUG orientdb: found 0 documents in class 'null'
Csv File
"Q29836","1B67_HUMAN","reviewed","HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B-67 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen B*67)","HLA-B HLAB","Homo sapiens (Human)","362","9606.ENSP00000399168;"
"P30501","1C02_HUMAN","reviewed","HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-2 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*2)","HLA-C HLAC","Homo sapiens (Human)","366",""
"P30508","1C12_HUMAN","reviewed","HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-12 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*12)","HLA-C HLAC","Homo sapiens (Human)","366",""
"Q29960","1C16_HUMAN","reviewed","HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-16 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*16)","HLA-C HLAC","Homo sapiens (Human)","366",""
"Q29865","1C18_HUMAN","reviewed","HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-18 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*18)","HLA-C HLAC","Homo sapiens (Human)","366",""
I tried your code, I have the same message:
[orientdb] DEBUG orientdb: found 0 documents in class 'null'
but I've been able to import all the data, as you can see from my screenshot.
to do that as @RobertoFranchini said, you have to add this:
"transformers": [
"log": {}
"field": {
"fieldName": "@class",
"value": "Annotations"
I made this little change to your csv file:
Q29836,1B67_HUMAN,reviewed,HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B-67 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen B*67),HLA-B HLAB,Homo sapiens (Human),362,9606.ENSP00000399168
P30501,1C02_HUMAN,reviewed,HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-2 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*2),HLA-C HLAC,Homo sapiens (Human),366,
P30508,1C12_HUMAN,reviewed,HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-12 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*12),HLA-C HLAC,Homo sapiens (Human),366,
Q29960,1C16_HUMAN,reviewed,HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-16 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*16),HLA-C HLAC,Homo sapiens (Human),366,
Q29865,1C18_HUMAN,reviewed,HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, Cw-18 alpha chain (MHC class I antigen Cw*18),HLA-C HLAC,Homo sapiens (Human),366,
and all the data has been imported.
Hope it helps.