I am trying to crop an image starting from top-right and cut out a 48x48 box. This is the image I'm working with
I've tried this
in.png -gravity northeast -crop 48x48 out.png
Which creates like 4 files, none of which are what I want. When I add x and y values (which I don't want to), it crops from the northeast correctly with only 1 output image, but the box is not 48x48, its 46x38
in.png -gravity northeast -crop 48x48+0+0 out.png
This gives different outputs for different images. I just tried another and ended up with a 33x48 output.
I need to use the gravity setting instead of the x and y offsets because I'm batch processing a lot of images that are different sizes.
This is the desired output
Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
If your input image has paging information, the result of your crop may not be what you expect. When working with unknown images, you might do a "+repage" right after reading in the image. Also, when you "-trim" an image, the paging information from the original image remains. The "-crop" will use that paging information instead of the actual height and width, so "+repage" after a "-trim" unless you know you'll need that information. Try this...
convert inimage.png -trim +repage -gravity northeast -crop 48x48+0+0 outimage.png
You should also use "+repage" after any crops if you intend to continue processing the images.