I am currently working on a small personal project to learn how to manipulate Symfony and Sonata, and I find myself confronted with a small problem. I have constrained one of my variables to a "template" in "configureListFields" but I can not submit it to "editable". I can do the one without the other but not both at the same time if not the "editable" bug as I show you a bit further down.
List :
$listMapper->add('status', 'string', array(
'template' => 'WebBundle:Default:list_client.html.twig',
'label'=> 'Status'))
Form :
$formMapper->add('Status', 'choice', array(
'choices' => array(
'Client' => 'Client',
'Ex-Client' => 'Ex-Client',
'Prospect' => 'Prospect')))
Template :
{% extends 'SonataAdminBundle:CRUD:base_list_field.html.twig' %}
{% block field %}
<p class="ClientStatus {% if object.Status == 'Ex-Client' %}
label label-danger
{% elseif object.Status == 'Client' %}
label label-success
{% else %}
label label-info
{% endif %}" >
{{ object.Status }}
{% endblock %}
View with that config :
$listMapper->add('status', 'choice', array(
"New Client"=>"New Client",
"Ex-Client"=>"Ex Client"
'label'=> 'Status',
View :
->add('status', 'choice', array(
"New Client"=>"New Client",
"Ex-Client"=>"Ex Client"
'template' => 'WebBundle:Default:list_client.html.twig',
'label'=> 'Status',
view :
So there seems to be a conflict between "template" and "editable" opinions on how to handle this problem ? Thanks a lot.
check out the list_choice template that is provided with the Sonata sources.
# SonataAdminBundle/Resources/views/CRUD/list_choice.html.twig
{% set is_editable =
field_description.options.editable is defined and
field_description.options.editable and
admin.hasAccess('edit', object)
{% set x_editable_type = field_description.type|sonata_xeditable_type %}
{% if is_editable and x_editable_type %}
{% block field_span_attributes %}
{% spaceless %}
{{ parent() }}
data-source="{{ field_description|sonata_xeditable_choices|json_encode }}"
{% endspaceless %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
They check if the field is editable and add data-source
attribute to the field_span_attributes
block of the parent base_list_field template part:
<span {% block field_span_attributes %}class="x-editable"
data-type="{{ xEditableType }}"
data-value="{{ data_value }}"
data-title="{{ field_description.label|trans({}, field_description.translationDomain) }}"
data-pk="{{ admin.id(object) }}"
data-url="{{ url }}" {% endblock %}>
{{ block('field') }}
So try adding the data-source in your custom template as well.