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WFPSampler Compilation issue - wfpcalloutsclassreg not found

The compilation of the Microsoft demo WFPSampler Project fails in any setup (32/64 - debug/release) on WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.InX at line 36 :

   AddReg = WFPCalloutsClassReg


Stamping .\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inf [Version] section with DriverVer=06/29/2017,
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(36-36): error 1203: Section [wfpcalloutsclassreg] not found.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(49-49): warning 2083: Section [defaultuninstall.ntx86] not referenced or used.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(53-53): warning 2083: Section [] not referenced or used.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(56-56): warning 2083: Section [wfpcalloutclassreg] not referenced or used.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(66-66): warning 2083: Section [wfpsamplercalloutdriver.nt.coinstallers] not referenced or used.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(70-70): warning 2083: Section [wfpsamplercalloutdriver.coinstaller.addreg] not referenced or used.
sys\WFPSamplerCalloutDriver.inx(73-73): warning 2083: Section [wfpsamplercalloutdriver.coinstaller.copyfiles] not referenced or used.

The setup is using Visual Studio Community, SDK and WDK installed following this page downloads and the build procedure were followed from the ReadMe file

Couldn't find any relevant information about this issue.

I've uninstalled and reinstall VS, SDK and WDK to the latest version and it did not solve the issue.

Current setup is

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.02053
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015
Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio Package   7.0.20622.1
Common Azure Tools   1.8
Debugging Tools for Windows   10.0.15063.0
JavaScript Language Service   2.0
JavaScript Project System   2.0
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Tools   1.4
NuGet Package Manager   3.4.4
PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer   1.2
Windows Driver Kit   10.0.15063.0


  • There seems to be a typo in the sample. The relevant section is called WFPCalloutClassReg (line 56) but is referred to as WFPCalloutsClassReg elsewhere in the file (note the extra 's'). So the fix is to change line 56 to [WFPCalloutsClassReg].