I am working on a script that gathers values from a file that are in a line of txt and I find these values by using findstr with referencing a key word. The process I want to accomplish is this:
Example file (test.txt):
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05032017 and you have 5 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 6 peaches
Key word: “apples”, “peaches”
Desired output:
First value is: 05022017
Second value is: 4
Third value is: 5
First value is: 05032017
Second value is: 5
Third value is: 6
Current code:
@echo off
FOR /f "tokens=4,8" %%a in ('type test.txt ^|findstr /i "apples"') do (
echo(First value is: %%a
echo(Second value is: %%b
FOR /f "tokens=10" %%c in ('type test.txt ^|findstr /i "peaches"') do (
echo(Value on another line is: %%c
echo(All done!
Current output:
First value is: 05022017
Second value is: 4
First value is: 05032017
Second value is: 5
Value on another line is: 5
Value on another line is: 6
I understand why my code is working the way it does. I know I have two separate loops where I find the first and second values first and then I find the third values which are on separate lines. I have tried to use vectors, nested loops, and assigning values to variables but I can’t seem to get what I want working.
I want to be able to run this script on a file with N possibilities which means it should work with both these file situations:
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
Hello today is 05022017 and you have 4 apples
Also it is good to know that you bought 5 peaches
I would greatly appreciate any help I can get or some guidance in how I can approach this differently.
Thank you!
UPDATE Working Code:
SET "sourcedir=I:\Tests"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\test.txt"
SET "word1=apples"
SET "word2=peaches"
FOR /f "tokens=4,8,9,10,11 delims= " %%a IN ('findstr "%word1% %word2%" "%filename1%"') DO (
IF /i "%%~c"=="%word1%" (
REM apple line
ECHO First value is: %%a
ECHO Second value is: %%b
SET /a value2=%%b
IF /i "%%~e"=="%word2%" (
REM peaches line
ECHO Third value is: %%d
SET /a total=value2 + %%d
ECHO Total: !total!
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q44875889.txt"
SET "word1=%~1"
SET "word2=%~2"
FOR /f "tokens=4,8,9,10,11delims= " %%a IN ('findstr /Li /c:"%word1%" /c:"%word2%" "%filename1%"') DO (
IF /i "%%~c"=="%word1%" (
REM apple line
ECHO First value is: %%a
ECHO Second value is: %%b
SET /a value2=%%b
IF /i "%%~e"=="%word2%" (
REM peaches line
ECHO Third value is: %%d
SET /a total=value2 + %%d
ECHO Total: !total!
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir
to suit your circumstances.
I used a file named q44875889.txt
containing your data for my testing.
Much better to provide us with realistic data.
The processing should be obvious - read each line of output of findstr
which is looking for either of the words and selecting appropriate tokens.
If the first word appears in the required position, process it and save the required value2
. Ditto second word, calculating total and using delayed expansion
to show the run-time value of total
It doesn't make apparent sense to attempt to process lines that are not of the required format.
Important (but originally omitted) running instructions:
run as
thisbatchname apples peaches
The two words supplied are then substituted for word1/2 in my original posting.
(and since no parameters were being supplied, word1/2 were empty, hence the error message)