I have a .CSV file with headings:
Description, BusinessSurname, IsCustomer, IsSupplier, AddressType, Business
Address, IsInternational.
First row:
Contact1, Contact1, True, True, Business, 123 Fake St, False
Remaining rows not important, its just more like that - examples. I have a few rows of data in there.
I need to get it into this format json:
I have tried a few different ways, but none of them specifically give me a json like this with the address nested. I can leave the second address (postal address) out.
If I use this code:
$filename = 'contacts1.csv';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
$count = 0;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) {
if ($count == 1){
$json = json_encode($data, true);
echo $json;
I get this for example:
["Contact1","Contact1","TRUE","TRUE","Business","123 High Street Sydney NSW 2000","FALSE"]
["Contact2","Contact2","TRUE","TRUE","Business","124 High Street Sydney NSW 2000","FALSE"]
["Contact3","Contact3","TRUE","TRUE","Business","125 High Street Sydney NSW 2000","FALSE"]
Is there a way to get the json I need, and if I can't get the required json automatically, is there a way I can extract the values of each row, and assign to a variable, and manually create the required json for each row, using a for loop, while loop, etc? EG:
Description: $description,
SurnameBusinessName: $BusinessSurname,
I found the answer to this, however I had given up on this API endpoint and went to a simpler one without nesting. Due to the strictness of the json format this API will accept I basically assigned each value from my csv to a variable and manually created the json needed. Although this code below is for the Accounts endpoint, I can use the exact same method for any endpoint because I am kind of manually creating the json. And its the only way it can work I think as some fields are strings like AccountName, some integers like AcountType.
$file = 'acc.csv';
$mode = 'r';
$handle = fopen($file, $mode);
while(($csv = fgetcsv($handle)) !==FALSE){
foreach($csv as $row => $value){
$data = $row.$value;
switch ($row){
case '0':
$accounttype = $value;
case '1':
$accountname = $value;
case '2':
$hint = $value;
case '3':
$status = $value;
case '4':
$sortorder = $value;
case '5':
$accountcode = $value;
case '6':
$parentaccountcatid = $value;
$json = "
AccountType:" . $accounttype . ",
AccountName:'" . $accountname . "',
Hint:'" . $hint . "',
Status:" . $status . ",
SortOrder:" . $sortorder . ",
AccountCode:'" . $accountcode . "',
ParentAccountingCategoryID:'" . $parentaccountcatid . "'
//echo $json;