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How can I synchronize device-side command queues with host-side queues? clFinish() and markerWithWaitList gives invalid queue error

I'm using OpenCL 2.0 dynamic parallelism feature and have each workitem enqueue another kernel with single workitem. When work completion time of child kernel is high, parent kernel completes before children and memory consistency is not preserved and corrupt data (randomly updated data items) is returned.

Since clFinish() and clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList() is for host-only queues, I can't use them for this default-on-device-out-of-order-queue.

How can I make child kernels finish before some synchronization point or at least before a buffer-read command so that memory consistency is achieved?

Here is the code:

__kernel void test( __global float *xyz,__global float *xyzn,__global float *xyzo,__global float * arguments)
    int threadId=get_global_id(0);
    float dx=xyz[threadId*3]-arguments[2];float dy=xyz[threadId*3+1]-arguments[3];float t=arguments[1];
    float ctr=arguments[0];float wave=0.02f*ctr*sin(40.0f*t+100.0f*sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy));
    xyzo[threadId*3]=xyz[threadId*3]+xyzn[threadId*3]*wave; // wave equation for all surface vertices
    xyzo[threadId*3+1]=xyz[threadId*3+1]+xyzn[threadId*3+1]*wave; // wave equation for all surface vertices
    xyzo[threadId*3+2]=xyz[threadId*3+2]+xyzn[threadId*3+2]*wave; // wave equation for all surface vertices

__kernel void waveEquation( __global float *xyz,__global float *xyzn,__global float *xyzo,__global float * arguments)
    int threadId=get_global_id(0);
            queue_t q = get_default_queue();
            ndrange_t ndrange = ndrange_1D(threadId,1,1);
            void (^my_block_A)(void) = ^{test(xyz,xyzn,xyzo,arguments);};
            enqueue_kernel(q, CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_NO_WAIT,ndrange,my_block_A);



when parent kernel has only 1-2 workitems, it works fine but there are normally 256*224 workitems for parent kernel and child kernels cannot complete before data is accessed from host(after clFinish())

Here is construction of default queue(different than the queue for parent-kernel)

commandQueue = cl::CommandQueue(context, device,

edit: this way of creating the queue also does not make it synchronizable:

cl_uint qs=device.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_PREFERRED_SIZE>();
cl_queue_properties qprop[] = { CL_QUEUE_SIZE, qs, CL_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, 
     (cl_command_queue_properties)(CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE |
                                   CL_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE | 
                                   CL_QUEUE_ON_DEVICE_DEFAULT | 
                                   CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE), 0 };
device_queue = clCreateCommandQueueWithProperties(context.get(),
                                   device.get(), qprop, &err);

device=RX550, driver=17.6.2, 64 bit build.

User Parallel Highway's solution also didn't work:

        clk_event_t markerEvent;
        clk_event_t events[1];
        queue_t q = get_default_queue();
        ndrange_t ndrange = ndrange_1D(threadId,1,1);
        void (^my_block_A)(void) = ^{test(xyz,xyzn,xyzo,arguments);};
        enqueue_kernel(q, CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_NO_WAIT,ndrange,0,NULL,&events[0],my_block_A);
        enqueue_marker(q, 1, events, &markerEvent);



This didn't work:

queue_t q = get_default_queue();
ndrange_t ndrange = ndrange_1D(threadId,1,1);
void (^my_block_A)(void) = ^{test(xyz,xyzn,xyzo,arguments);};
int ctr=0;
while((enqueue_kernel(q, CLK_ENQUEUE_FLAGS_NO_WAIT,ndrange,my_block_A)&
            CLK_OUT_OF_RESOURCES |
            CLK_INVALID_QUEUE |
        ))>0 )

this doesn't work but completes so there is no infinite loop.


  • You should consider using enqueue_marker:

    There is also an example in the specification where multiple kernels are enqueued and with an enqueue_marker command you can wait for the child kernels to finish, then proceed with the parent kernel. The sample code is here:

    Edit: After multiple experiments, the findings are as follows: As the number of child-kernels a parent kernel launches increases, the program fails. This is probably caused by the queue_size as huseyin tugrul buyukisik suggested. Although, the execution does not return an error code, the results are incorrect. There is no mention of this kind of issue in the OpenCL specification.