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AWS S3 Dynamic HTTP Referer policy with N domains

Implementing an application where S3 images can only be hotlinked by a list of whitelisted domains.

For a simple case, I can create a Referer Policy with a static list of domains such as:

  "Id":"http referer policy example",
      "Sid":"Allow get requests originating from and",

I would like to have this list be dynamically generated from the DB via a scripting language, and then posted to the AWS via the API SDK.

This could be done by generating a dynamic JSON string for:


Is this the best of doing this? I couldn't find any documentation regarding this, but I would imagine there is a limit for the amount of string matches in the StringLike condition?

Would it be better to create an individual StringLike entry inside Condition, one for each domain?

I could potentially have 10000's of domains to white list, so trying to find the best way of scaling this.


  • Given the length limitation in S3's policy framework, this solution was not used.