I have an array and a cell array with the same dimensions: A is a 1x2492 double array, and B is an 1x2492 cell cell array. I want to make a new cell array that assigns the values in A to the corresponding column values of B. Here was my code:
for n = 1:numel(B)
newArray(n) = [A(n),B{n}(2)];
newCellArray{n} = newArray;
When I ran the code, I got the error 'Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.'
I think it's because some cells in B have multiple columns, and the code loop doesn't recognize that I want to assign the same value of A to all values in the cell.
For example, if cell 1 of B contains:
2 2355
23 1293
37 1222
I would like my code loop to assign the corresponding first value of A to 2355, 1293, and 1222. So basically, I'd like to have a new cell like this:
1 2355
1 1293
1 1222
I realize that this is a very confusing explanation, but I hope that it makes sense. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated - thank you very much!
I am not really sure what you are trying to do, but the code below will assign the value of A(ii)
to every element in the first column of B{ii}
. I am just saying this based on your example, but your explanation is really unclear..
C = B;
for ii=1:numel(C)
And you are getting an error on newArray(n) = [A(n),B{n}(2)];
because you are trying to assign a vector to a singleton dimension. Try a(1) = [1 2]
and you will still get an error, and this is independent on what your cell dimensions are, etc.. a(1,:)=[1 2]
, however, might work if the 2nd dimension of a
is 2.