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How do I compile my main Java program on the command line when it includes an external java package?

I'm a relative Java newbie so apologies if the question appears somewhat basic. I've googled high and low for an answer here and I'm not finding anything that's helping.


Whilst I'm able to integrate external packages into my Java programs from an IDE environment, I am trying to do run a very basic program from the command line that calls on a separate, basic package file that I have written - and am simply doing all this as I want to have a bottom-up understanding of how package files are related to a main program by Java.

I have a program that sits on my desktop named

import org.somepackage;

public class MyProgram {

    public static void main(String arguments[]) {

    System.out.println("Programme up and running...");
    Human myHuman = new Human(); 


Still on the Desktop, I then have another folder which I've named src, inside of which I have created the necessary subfolders corresponding to the package name, i.e. ./src/org/somepackage - and in this location, I have the file which defines the Human class with the following contents:

package org.somepackage;

public class Human {

    public void scream() {

    System.out.println("I exist!!");



I then created a classes folder, again on the Desktop, and ran the following compile command on the command line:

javac -d ./classes/ ./src/org/packagename/

This ran fine and created - as expected - the Human.class file within the ./classes/org/packagename/ location.

However, where I fall down is when I then try to compile on the command line, i.e.

javac -cp ".:./classes/"

As you'll see, my class path contains a reference to the current location (".") for the file, and it contains a reference to the classes folder ("./classes/") which is the base location for the org.somepackage package inside whose subfolders (./classes/org/somepackage/) on can find the Human.class file.

At this stage, I was simply expecting the java engine to compile into the program MyProgram.class - but, instead, I get an error: error: package org does not exist

I've been following the instructions listed here:

and I don't appear to be deviating from the instructions - yet I'm unable to locate an explanation on Stackoverflow or anywhere else as to a possible reason for this compile failure. If anyone has an idea, your help would be very much appreciated.



  • Your mistake is here

    import org.somepackage; <--
    public class MyProgram {
        public static void main(String arguments[]) {
        System.out.println("Programme up and running...");
        Human myHuman = new Human(); 

    you forgot to import class actually, you need to write this name import org.somepackage.Human; import all package content import org.somepackage.*; or write full qualified name of class in your code

    org.somepackage.Human myHuman = new org.somepackage.Human(); 

    correct mistake:

    import org.somepackage.Human;
    public class MyProgram {
        public static void main(String arguments[]) {
        System.out.println("Programme up and running...");
        Human myHuman = new Human(); 

    after that compile your by this command:

    javac -d classes


    javac -d classes -cp "classes"

    and run MyProgram by

    java -cp "classes" MyProgram