I've been going through nativescript code base to see how to update some of my plugins for {N} 3.0.1, and i see a lot of class methods this way.
[srcProperty.setNative](value: any) {
see the contents of image-common.ts and image.android.ts to see the full source.
why are the properties of the exported const from image-common.ts used in image.android.ts a methods, and why are they wrapped in square brackets ?
It generates a property with the computed name on that class's prototype.
While not very used this perfectly valid javascript/typescript code. It does result in some loss of typing though.
This typescript code:
let propName = 'someMethod';
class A {
[propName](): number {
return 5;
let a = new A();
let x = a[propName]()
Will result in this javascript output.
var propName = 'someMethod';
var A = (function () {
function A() {
A.prototype[propName] = function () {
return 5;
return A;
var a = new A();
var x = a[propName]();
You can see a working example here.