I'm trying to use the new android architectural components, but I am confused one moment.
I created a ViewModel class
public class BuyViewModel extends ViewModel {
private BuyRepository buyRepository;
private LiveData<Adverts> advertsLiveData;
private boolean isLoading;
private int currentPage;
public BuyViewModel(BuyRepository buyRepository) {
this.buyRepository = buyRepository;
public void init(int currentPage) {
this.currentPage = currentPage;
if (this.advertsLiveData != null) {
Timber.tag("logi").d("BuyViewModel > init -> ");
advertsLiveData = buyRepository.getAdverts(currentPage);
public LiveData<Adverts> getAdvertsLiveData() {
return advertsLiveData;
Observe LiveData in my LifeCycleFragment
public void onActivityCreated(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
buyViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(BuyViewModel.class);
buyViewModel.getAdvertsLiveData().observe(this, adverts -> {
Timber.tag("logi").d("BuyFragment > onActivityCreated -> ");
assert adverts != null;
But when I replaced this Fragment with another and switched back to this Fragment, the method onChange
was called twice and added two portions of the same data in rvAdapter
I SOLVED THIS!!! When I creating my ViewModel class, I pass "this" 1-st parameter into method
buyViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(**this**, viewModelFactory).get(BuyViewModel.class);
But I need pass "getActivity()", and code looks like that
buyViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(**getActivity()**,viewModelFactory).get(BuyViewModel.class);