I'm trying to uniform a model matrix into a vertex shader using
glUniformMatrix4fv(glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "modelMatrix"),
1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(objmesh[0]->modelMatrix));
but when I use this, the model does not show. I've used
int location = glGetAttribLocation(shaderProgram, "modelMatrix");
to find the location but it only returns -1. I've also tried using a manually made matrix (as an identity matrix) in the vertex shader and when I do that it works. I've done this exact thing to another shader, just a different program.
objmesh is just a std::vector that contains a struct with a mesh's vertices, uvs and so fourth. As of now, the modelMatrix is just an identity matrix.
I uniform the matrix in the vertex shader like so: uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
Solved it: I accidentally used glGetAttribLocation instead of glGetUniformLocation