I am getting json data. In that json I have a array of images urls for different screen resolutions for one image like this
"images": {
"full_url": "http://******/assets/tmp/",
"ldpi": "http://******/assets/tmp/ldpi/****.png",
"mdpi": "http://******/assets/tmp/mdpi/****.png",
"hdpi": "http://******/assets/tmp/hdpi/****.png",
"xdpi": "http://******/assets/tmp/xdpi/****.png"
i want to display this image dependent on screen size
You can use like below,
float density = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi;
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_LOW - LDPI(120)
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM - MDPI(160)
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH - HDPI(240)
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XHIGH - XHDPI(320)
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXHIGH - XXHDPI(480)
//DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XXXHIGH - XXXHDPI(640)
based on the density you can add the image, ref this too.
Ex ;
if(density == DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM) {
// Use mdpi image in your JSON
} else if(density == DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_XHIGH) {
// use xdpi image in your JSON
} else if(density == DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH) {
// use xdpi image in your JSON
} else {
// use full image