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How to install Sublime 3 on CentOS 7 / RHEL 7?

Sublime is really cool. Loved the slick user interface, a perfect developer environment and an amazing performance. Today I was re-installing the sublime as my OS has some problem. Thought to share the steps to install the Sublime, as this is a great tool for developers- Its really a editor which you’ll fall in love with.


  • Here are the Steps:
    Step 1: Download Sublime: You can either download from their website or use the wget as I did:

    $ cd ~/Downloads
    ## On 32bit
    $ wget
    ## On 64bit
    $ wget

    Step 2. Extract Sublime package (example to /opt directory)
    You can store Sublime at any place you want. Here, I saved under /opt directory.

    ## On 32bit
    $ sudo tar -vxjf sublime_text_3_build_3126_x32.tar.bz2 -C /opt
    ## On 64bit
    $ sudo tar -vxjf sublime_text_3_build_3126_x64.tar.bz2 -C /opt

    Step 3. Now, let’s make a symbolic link to the installed Sublime3 so that we can run the same from command line

    # sudo ln -s /opt/sublime_text_3/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime3

    Step 4. Now, let’s test whether the Sublime3 is installed correctly or not.
    Type sublime3 in command line and it will open up the sublime window.

    $ sublime3

    Step 5. Create Gnome desktop launcher You can run Sublime3 on desktop by clicking a icon.

    $ sudo sublime3 /usr/share/applications/sublime3.desktop

    Step 6. Append this and close file.

    [Desktop Entry]
    [NewWindow Shortcut Group]
    Name=New Window
    Exec=sublime -n

    Now, you can see the Sublime3 icon on under Applications → Programming.
    You can run Sublime3 on desktop by clicking this icon. Enjoy!!